Lehrstuhl für klinische Epidemiologie und Biometrie

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Sommer, K.K.; Amr, A.; Bavendiek, U.; Beierle, F.; Brunecker, P.; Dathe, H.; Eils, J.; Ertl, M.; Fette, G.; Gietzelt, M.; Heidecker, B.; Hellenkamp, K.; Heuschmann, P.; Hoos, J.D.E.; Kesztyüs, T.; Kerwagen, F.; Kindermann, A.; Krefting, D.; Landmesser, U.; Marschollek, M.; Meder, B.; Merzweiler, A.; Prasser, F.; Pryss, R.; Richter, J.; Schneider, P.; Störk, S.; Dieterich, C. Structured, Harmonized, and Interoperable Integration of Clinical Routine Data to Compute Heart Failure Risk Scores. Life 2022, 12, 749.

Janson, P.; Willeke, K.; Zaibert, L.; Budnick, A.; Berghöfer, A.; Kittel-Schneider, S.; Heuschmann, P.U.; Zapf, A.; Wildner, M.; Stupp, C.; Keil, T. Mortality, Morbidity and Health-Related Outcomes in Informal Caregivers Compared to Non-Caregivers: A Systematic Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 5864.

Gierszewski D, Kurotschka PK, Krauthausen M, Fröhlich W, Forster J, Pietsch F, Streng A, Rücker V, Wallstabe J, Hartmann K, Jans T, Engels G, Romanos M, Heuschmann P, Härtel C, Kurzai O, Liese J and Gágyor I (2022) Parents’ and Childcare Workers’ Perspectives Toward SARS-CoV-2 Test and Surveillance Protocols in Pre-school Children Day Care Centers: A Qualitative Study Within the German Wü-KiTa-CoV Project. Front. Med. 9:897726. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.897726

Nave AH, Kaynak N, Mai K, Siegerink B, Laufs U, Heuschmann PU, Liman TG, Ebinger M, Endres M. Combined Oral Triglyceride and Glucose Tolerance Test After Acute Ischemic Stroke to Predict Recurrent Vascular Events: The Berlin "Cream&Sugar" Study. Stroke. 2022 May 9:101161STROKEAHA122038732. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.122.038732. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35531780.
