Deutsch Intern
Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Biometry

Dr. Kirsten Haas

Dr. Kirsten Haas

Phone:   +49 931 / 201 47302
Fax: +49 931 / 201 647310
E-Mail: Kirsten.Haas(at)

Short CV

2014 PhD, Psychology (Dr. phil., magna cum laude), TU Dortmund
since 2013    Research Associate, Institute of Clinical Epidemiology and Biometry, University Würzburg
2009-2013 Research Associate, Federale Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Unit "Mental Health and Cognitive Capacity", Berlin
2000-2008 Head of Quality Management QuaSi-Niere gGmbH, Berlin
1999-2000 Research Associate TU Chemnitz, Research Center for Regional Health Promotion, Chemnitz
1998-1999 Research Associate National German Health Survey 1998, Robert-Koch-Institut, Berlin  
1995-1998 Postgraduate programm Public Health, TU Berlin, university degree: MPH
1987-1993 studies of Nutritional Science, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, university degree: diploma

Research interests

Register Studies, Quality Management, Evaluation

Main Publications in recent years


2024[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Korompoki E, Heuschmann P, Harvey KH, Fiessler C, Malzahn U, Hügen K, et al. Prevention of Stroke in Intracerebral Haemorrhage Survivors with Atrial Fibrillation: Rationale and Design for PRESTIGE-AF Trial. Thromb Haemost. 2024;.
  • 1.
    Horn A, Wendel J, Franke I, Bauer A, Baumeister H, Bendig E, et al. The BrEasT cancer afTER-CARE (BETTER-CARE) programme to improve breast cancer follow-up: design and feasibility study results of a cluster-randomised complex intervention trial. Trials [Internet]. 2024;25(1):767. Available from:
  • 1.
    Schutzmeier M, Brandstetter LS, Stangl S, Ahnert J, Grau A, Gerken L, et al. Development and pilot-testing of an evidence-based quality indicator set for home mechanical ventilation care: the OVER-BEAS project. BMC Health Services Research [Internet]. 2024;24(1):152. Available from:
2023[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Tilch K, Hopff SM, Appel K, Kraus M, Lorenz-Depiereux B, Pilgram L, et al. Ethical and coordinative challenges in setting up a national cohort study during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. BMC Med Ethics. 2023;24(1):84.
  • 1.
    Skazel T, Raub M, Haas K, Schutzmeier M, Brandstetter L, Ahnert J, et al. Die notärztliche Versorgung von langzeitbeatmeten Patienten im außerstationären Umfeld – im Spannungsfeld zwischen Intensivmedizin und häuslicher Versorgung. NOTARZT. 2023;.
  • 1.
    Hebestreit H, Lapstich AM, Brandstetter L, Krauth C, Deckert J, Haas K, et al. Effect of the addition of a mental health specialist for evaluation of undiagnosed patients in centres for rare diseases (ZSE-DUO): a prospective, controlled trial with a two-phase cohort design. EClinicalMedicine. 2023;65:102260.
  • 1.
    Horn A, Stangl S, Parisi S, Bauer N, Roll J, Löffler C, et al. Systematic review with meta-analysis: Stress-management interventions for patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Stress Health. 2023;.
  • 1.
    Kippnich M, Skazel T, Klingshirn H, Gerken L, Heuschmann P, Haas K, et al. [Analysis of the weaning process in intensive care patients with regard to documentation and transfer to further treatment units]. Med Klin Intensivmed Notfmed. 2023;118(4):269-76.
  • 1.
    Klingshirn H, Gerken L, Hofmann K, Heuschmann PU, Haas K, Schutzmeier M, et al. [Complexity of outpatient intensive care for ventilated people: Cross-mapping into the standardised NNN-taxonomy]. Pflege. 2023;36(5):259-68.
  • 1.
    Herrmann J, Müller K, Notz Q, Hübsch M, Haas K, Horn A, et al. Prospective single-center study of health-related quality of life after COVID-19 in ICU and non-ICU patients. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):6785.
2022[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Appel KS, Maier D, Hopff SM, Mitrov L, Stecher M, Scherer M, et al. 1886. External Validation of the 4C Mortality Score and the qSOFA for Different Variants of Concerns of SARS-CoV-2 Using Data of the NAPKON Cross-Sectoral Cohort Platform (SUEP). Open Forum Infectious Diseases [Internet]. 2022;9(Supplement_2). Available from:
  • 1.
    Kippnich M, Skazel T, Klingshirn H, Gerken L, Heuschmann P, Haas K, et al. Analyse des Weaningprozesses bei Intensivpatienten im Hinblick auf Dokumentation und Verlegung in weiterbehandelnde Einheiten [Analysis of the weaning process in intensive care patients with regard to documentation and transfer to further treatment units]. Medizinische Klinik - Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin. 2022;118.
  • 1.
    Nielsen PB, Melgaard L, Overvad TF, Jensen M, Larsen TB, Lip GYH. Risk of Cerebrovascular Events in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Survivors With Atrial Fibrillation: A Nationwide Cohort Study. Stroke. 2022;53(8):2559-68.
  • 1.
    Hebestreit H, Zeidler C, Schippers C, de Zwaan M, Deckert J, Heuschmann P, et al. Dual guidance structure for evaluation of patients with unclear diagnosis in centers for rare diseases (ZSE-DUO): study protocol for a controlled multi-center cohort study. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases [Internet]. 2022;17(1):47. Available from:
  • 1.
    Klingshirn H, Gerken L, Hofmann K, Heuschmann PU, Haas K, Schutzmeier M, et al. Comparing the quality of care for long-term ventilated individuals at home versus in shared living communities: a convergent parallel mixed-methods study. BMC Nursing [Internet]. 2022;21(1):224. Available from:
  • 1.
    Klingshirn H, Gerken L, Hofmann K, Heuschmann PU, Haas K, Schutzmeier M, et al. Komplexität außerstationärer Intensivpflege beatmeter Menschen [Complexity of outpatient intensive care for ventilated people: Cross-mapping into the standardised NNN-taxonomy]. Pflege [Internet]. 2022;:null. Available from:
  • 1.
    Herrmann J, Lotz C, Karagiannidis C, Weber-Carstens S, Kluge S, Putensen C, et al. Key characteristics impacting survival of COVID-19 extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Crit Care. 2022;26(1):190.
2021[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Horn A, Krist L, Lieb W, Montellano FA, Kohls M, Haas K, et al. Long-term health sequelae and quality of life at least 6 months after infection with SARS-CoV-2: design and rationale of the COVIDOM-study as part of the NAPKON population-based cohort platform (POP). Infection. 2021;49(6):1277-8.
  • 1.
    Klingshirn H, Gerken L, Hofmann K, Heuschmann PU, Haas K, Schutzmeier M, et al. How to improve the quality of care for people on home mechanical ventilation from the perspective of healthcare professionals: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research [Internet]. 2021;21(1):774. Available from:
  • 1.
    Skazel T, Kippnich M, Klingshirn H, Gerken L, Heuschmann P, Haas K, et al. [Ventilation Patients between Acute Care and Long-term Out-of-Hospital Ventilation - Routine Documentation based Analysis of the Care Situation]. Pneumologie. 2021;.
2020[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Stangl S, Haas K, Eichner FA, Grau A, Selig U, Ludwig T, et al. Development and proof-of-concept of a multicenter, patient-centered cancer registry for breast cancer patients with metastatic disease—the “Breast cancer care for patients with metastatic disease” (BRE-4-MED) registry. Pilot and Feasibility Studies [Internet]. 2020;6(1):11. Available from:
  • 1.
    Stangl S, Haas K, Eggers C, Reese JP, Tönges L, Volkmann J. Versorgung von Parkinson-Patienten in Deutschland. Der Nervenarzt [Internet]. 2020;91(6):493-502. Available from:
  • 1.
    Haas K, Rücker V, Hermanek P, Misselwitz B, Berger K, Seidel G, et al. Association Between Adherence to Quality Indicators and 7-Day In-Hospital Mortality After Acute Ischemic Stroke. Stroke [Internet]. 2020;51(12):3664-72. Available from:
2019[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Haas K, Stangl S, Steigerwald F, Matthies C, Gruber D, Kühn AA, et al. Development of evidence-based quality indicators for deep brain stimulation in patients with Parkinson’s disease and first year experience of implementation of a nation-wide registry. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders [Internet]. 2019;60:3-9. Available from:
  • 1.
    Wiegering V, Keupp A, Frietsch M, Fiessler C, Haas K, Haubitz I, et al. Role of B cells in chronic graft-versus-host disease after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in children and adolescents. Br J Haematol. 2019;186(5):e133-e137.
  • 1.
    Haas K, Purrucker JC, Rizos T, Heuschmann PU, Veltkamp R. Rationale and design of the Registry of Acute Stroke Under Novel Oral Anticoagulants-prime (RASUNOA-prime). Eur Stroke J. 2019;4(2):181-8.
2018[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Purrucker JC, Wolf M, Haas K, Siedler T, Rizos T, Khan S, et al. Microbleeds in ischemic vs hemorrhagic strokes on novel oral anticoagulants. Acta Neurol Scand. 2018;138(2):163-9.
2017[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Purrucker JC, Haas K, Wolf M, Rizos T, Khan S, Kraft P, et al. Haemorrhagic Transformation after Ischaemic Stroke in Patients Taking Non-vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants. J Stroke. 2017;19(1):67-76.
  • 1.
    Purrucker JC, Rizos T, Haas K, Wolf M, Khan S, Heuschmann PU, et al. Coagulation Testing in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Related to Non-vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants. Neurocrit Care. 2017;27(2):208-13.
  • 1.
    Dietz UA, Fleischhacker A, Menzel S, Klinge U, Jurowich C, Haas K, et al. Risk-adjusted procedure tailoring leads to uniformly low complication rates in ventral and incisional hernia repair: a propensity score analysis and internal validation of classification criteria. Hernia. 2017;21(4):569-82.
2016[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Purrucker JC, Haas K, Rizos T, Khan S, Wolf M, Hennerici MG, et al. Early Clinical and Radiological Course, Management, and Outcome of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Related to New Oral Anticoagulants. JAMA Neurol. 2016;73(2):169-77.
  • 1.
    Purrucker JC, Wolf M, Haas K, Rizos T, Khan S, Dziewas R, et al. Safety of Endovascular Thrombectomy in Patients Receiving Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants. Stroke. 2016;47(4):1127-30.
  • 1.
    Purrucker JC, Haas K, Rizos T, Khan S, Poli S, Kraft P, et al. Coagulation Testing in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Taking Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants. Stroke. 2016;48(1):152-8.