Deutsch Intern
  • Copyright: Max Planck Research Group for Systems Immunology
Systems Immunology Würzburg


Institute Directors

Chair of Systems Immunology I

Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Kastenmüller


Chair of Systems Immunology II

Prof. Dr. med. Georg Gasteiger

Photo of Georg Gasteiger WüSi Institute Systems immunology Immunologie Würzburg

Chair of Computational Biology of Spatial Biomedical Systems

Prof. Dr. Dominic Grün

Chair of Computational Biology of Spatial Biomedical Systems
Photo of Dominic Grün WüSi Systems immunology Immunologie Würzburg

Structure of Organisation

Christina Mollar

Human Resources
Photo of Christina Mollar WüSi Institute for Systems immunology Immunologie Würzburg

Dr. Kathrin Kastenmüller

Scientific Coordinator
Photo of Kathrin Kastenmüller WüSi Institute for Systems immunology Immunologie Würzburg

Katja Baber


Christina Bornschein

Press and public relations
Christina Bornschein WüSi_Systems immunology

Facility Management

Dr. Sabine Kranz

Animal facility manager
Photo of Sabine Kranz WüSi Institute for Systems immunology Immunologie Würzburg

Facility Management

Bernd Klima

Company Technician

Christian Köhler

Company Technician


Joachim Schäffer