Deutsch Intern
German Center of Prevention Research in Mental Health


Universal prevention addressing lifestyle and exercise-based interventions in children to reduce obesity and improve physical fitness

Indicated prevention based on diets and probiotics in vulnerable children

Universal school-based prevention of

Indicated prevention

Universal, selective and indicated prevention programs addressing child abuse and maltreatment, including e-learning platforms

Indicated prevention of mental health impairments in the transition from adolescence into adulthood (EU-MILESTONE)

Indicated prevention programs addressing

  • cardiopulmonary exercise training to improve the outcome in patients with cystic fibrosis (ACTIVATE-CF)
  • pulmonary function in preterm infants by surfactant prophylaxis (ProLISA)
  • hygienic interventions to prevent third-line antibiotic use in preterm children (BMBF-2MRGNProtect)
  • red blood cell transfusions in preterm infants (DFG-ETTNO)

Selective prevention measures in institutions for children with intellectual disability to reduce coercive measures and institutionalized violence

Universal, selective and indicated prevention of iatrogenic effects from off-label psychopharmacology by building up a National Competence Network for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, as well as a national registry for adverse events in off-label use (BfArM-TDM-VIGIL), and by exploring the usefulness of an evidence-based digital information tool (GBA-KIDsafe)

Indicated internet-based psychosocial prevention in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD): ICD-FORUM

Early intervention in dementia by identification of predictive risk patterns

Promoting resilience in pain-processing