Systems Immunology

In the field of Systems Immunology, we aim at understanding the function of the immune system as a whole and its interactions with other organs and cellular networks of the body.

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Cardio Immunology

The research on Cardio Immunology focuses on elucidating the role of the immune system in regulating pathogenesis as well as tissue healing and regeneration in the context of cardiac diseases.

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Infection Immunology

Infection Immunology elucidates the complex interactions between the immune system and various classes of pathogens with the aim to fight acute and resolving chronic infections.

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Tumor Immunology

Our efforts in Tumor Immunology have the goal to develop novel translational approaches to treat cancer. We implement our latest results and methods like T cell engineering and bispecific antibodies to enable the immune system to fight cancer.

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Neuro Immunology

Understanding and modulating the immune system in driving neuroinflammation and promoting neurodegeneration is a central goal of Neuro Immunology.

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Core Facilities

The following core facilities are also working in the immunology.

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