Deutsch Intern
Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Biometry


The STAAB Cohorte Study - Characteristics and Course of heart Failure STAges A/B and Determinants of Progression

Steering Committee: Prof. Stefan Störk, Prof. Peter Heuschmann
Coordination: Theresa Tiffe, Felizitas Eichner
Investigator: G. Ertl (Dept. of Medicine I, Div. of Cardiology, University Hospital Würzburg); B. Allolio†, M. Fassnacht (Dept. of Medicine I, Div. of Endocrinology, University Hospital Würzburg); C. Wanner (Dept. of Medicine I, Div. of Nephrology, University Hospital Würzburg); J. Volkmann (Dept. of Neurology, University Hospital Würzburg); J. Deckert (Dept. of Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, Center of Mental Health, University Hospital Würzburg); H. Faller (Dept. of Medical Psychology, Center of Mental Health, University of Würzburg); R. Jahns (Interdisciplinary Bank of Biomaterials and Data Würzburg, University Hospital Würzburg)
Funding: Federal Ministery of Education and Research
Status: Ongoing; 1. Follow-up of STAAB cohort

For developing effective heart failure prevention programs for the general population, it is important to understand the entire disease continuum of heart failure, starting from subjects at risk for developing heart failure (stage A), to people without symptoms but with evidence of structural heart disease (stage B), to patients with symptoms and signs of heart failure (stages C & D). To date, little is known about the natural course of early heart failure stages and determinants of disease progression.

The STAAB cohort was initiated to describe the prevalence of early stages of heart failure in the general population as well as the transition into symptomatic stages. The main objectives are: First, to determine the prevalence of heart failure stage A/B in a representative sample of the general local population. Second, to assess the natural course of heart failure stage A/B over time. Thus the importance of risk factors for the progression from asymptomatic to symptomatic cardiac dysfunction will be clarified.

It is planned to examine a total of 5.000 men and women of the study region Wuerzburg and surrounding areas. Randomly chosen from the registration office of the city of Wuerzburg 3.000 inhabitants will be recruited for baseline examination in the first wave from November 2013 until October 2015. Follow-up visits are planned 3 years after the baseline examination to investigate changes in cardiac function and the occurrence of diseases.

The STAAB cohort study is a cooperation between the Comprehensive Heart Failure Center and the Institute of Clinical Epidemiology and Biometry, University of Wuerzburg. It will serve as an ongoing cross-cutting project platform for different CHFC investigators. STAAB cohort could be the basis for further research for many medical professions

For further information, please visit  DZHI.

Project information: Download Flyer

Press Releases:

Wie die Würzburger Herzen schlagen by Laura Thielen( (21/04/2017)

Studie der Unikklinik mit 5000 Freiwilligen (Main Post 30.01.2014)

Herzforscher untersuchen Würzburger (Pressemitteilung der Universität 12.11.2013)

Herzstudie mit 3000 Würzburgern (Main Post 08.11.2013)

STAAB Kohortenstudie: Was macht das Herz schwach (Pressemitteilung des Universitätsklinikums 29.10.2013) 


Characteristics and Course of Heart Failure Stages A-B and Determinants of Progression - design and rationale of the STAAB cohort study.
Wagner M, Tiffe T, Morbach C, Gelbrich G, Störk S, Heuschmann PU
Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2016 Nov 22. pii: 2047487316680693. [Epub ahead of print]


HFA 2018